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Our affiliate, a leading comparison site, helps you search and compare gas and electricity deals from hundreds of providers in seconds.

Get the best prices without the hassle

Working with our affiliate makes finding the best gas and electricity deals easy. All you have to do is visit our affiliate page and follow these simple steps:

Compare insurance deals from leading providers

Creditfix has created Yip Financial Services as a company you can trust to find you the best deals on mortgages, utilities, insurance, credit building services, and more. They help you compare prices from hundreds of providers in just a few clicks. No matter what your financial situation is, they can save you money and hassle while finding the deal that works for you.

Why compare gas and electricity deals?

You don’t get the best deals without shopping around, but shopping around takes time you may not have.

Using a comparison site allows you to browse hundreds of deals in seconds, pick the one that works for you, and enjoy peace of mind knowing you’ve found the right deal at the right price.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. In fact, coming out of an IVA is the perfect time to switch. For years you’ve had to restrict yourself financially in order to put the majority of your money into the arrangement. 
Now that your arrangement is coming to an end you’ll have a lot more financial freedom, but if you want to stay out of debt, you have to be smart with your money. Finding a better energy deal is a great place to start.
Even though your arrangement is coming to an end, the impact on your credit rating will last for 6 years from when you’re discharged from your IVA. 
A lower credit score will have an impact on the energy deal you’re able to get, but comparing prices from hundreds of providers boosts your chances of finding a deal that’s better than your current one. If not, you’re free to stick with the deal you have. 
How much you can save when switching energy suppliers depends on several factors, including who your current supplier is, how much gas and electricity you typically use, and what kind of tariff you’re interested in signing up for. 
All of these factors will be taken into account when you work with our affiliate to compare energy prices, and they’ll use your information to ensure you always get the best deal. 

Insurance quotes are provided by which is a trading style of Seopa Ltd who are a limited company registered in Northern Ireland, Registered number: NI46322. Registered office: Seopa Ltd, 5th Floor Link Building, Adelaide Exchange, 24-26 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT2 8GD. Seopa Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Their registered number is 313860