Summertime in Britain is often a roulette; will the sun put its hat on and grace us with its presence? Or will the clouds burst and leave us stuck inside dreaming of sunnier climes?
So far, the weather seems to be on our side this year and as the temperature rises and with the school holidays just around the corner families across the country are planning to make the most of the great outdoors.
However, making the most of the sunshine with daytrips and adventures might be a great boost for vitamin D levels but it can also be hard on our finances.
Rainy day boredom
Many of us overspent even when it’s raining – especially when trying to cheer ourselves up during rainy spells in the summer. Being stuck inside when it’s pouring can be mind-numbing, and research has shown that 20 per cent of Brits also tend to make impulse purchases when bored. You might book a holiday to get away from the rain or buy clothes for when the sun comes back. Why? Because it’s another way to give you the thrill that you could be getting if you were outside.
Get debt help todayHow you can be savvy with your summer spending
However, summertime doesn’t have to be hard on your budget. Here are some things you can to help avoid a financial hangover:
1. Always be prepared
This motto always does well for the Scouts, so why not your finances too.
Create a budget that allows you to set money aside for spontaneous splurges – that way you’ll always be prepared for rainy days or last-minute trips.
2. Don’t give in to peer pressure
Not going to every festival or event shouldn’t leave you feeling guilty, but if you don’t want to miss out, make sure you prioritise. Pick the ones you really want to go to and save up, so you won’t be caught short. If you find you need to alter your budget, cut back on non-essentials such as takeaways or clothing to make room.
Get debt help today3. When in doubt, staycation
Who says you have to go abroad to have fun? There are plenty of things to do and fun-filled places to go that won’t break the bank. Look for activities that are good for everyone such as having a barbecue or going on a family camping trip.
4. Make holiday finances count
If you do decide to go abroad, make a budget for all aspects of the trip. Account for everything from the cost of the holiday itself to the knick-knacks that you’ll buy for your friends and family.
Shop around for deals and offers on activities you can do whilst you’re there and always leave a chunk of money in case of an emergency.
5. Dine al fresco
There’s no feeling quite like unwinding with good food and good company after a long day. This summer forget getting all hot and bothered in the kitchen and take your dinner to the great outdoors. Using kitchen appliances such as the stove or oven can increase the temperature by 10 per cent. Dust off the barbecue when cooking up a storm for family not only to stay cool but also reduce electricity and gas costs.
Don’t get burned by your finances this summer, contact us today for free on 0808 2234 102 and confidential advice on how to manage your debts.
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